(Contributed by Shane LaChance) Think about when you last purchased a bottle of wine. Maybe it was for a dinner party, a get-together with friends, or a night-in with the spouse. Let’s say you walked into the store with somewhat of a game plan; in search for a domestically grown red wine in the price range of $12-15. Now, what happens next?

Shopping for Wine
Survey Shows 80% of Consumers Select Wine Based on Label
What guides us to pick up the 2 or 3 bottles that catch our eye. Better yet, what are the deciding factors that help make our decisions of which one to take home? Well, it turns out the answer is hiding in plain sight; wine labels. A Wine.net survey from 2016 found nearly 80% of consumers say their wine purchases are based mostly on the label. So the question becomes: what is it about wine labels that help influence our purchase decision? and what are some things wineries can feature on their next label to cater to the wants and needs of wine shoppers?
Survey Results Identify Most Popular Wine Label Design
These are the exact questions answered by a recent wine label design study conducted by Iron Design, a creative marketing and branding agency based in Ithaca, NY. They served up four distinctly different wine label designs to survey respondents and asked about their perceived taste, price, and purchase behavior based on the label alone. They also asked respondents to rank the importance of wine label components ranging from the vintage to whether the wine had a unique name. The results were interesting.
One finding that stood out to me was the how well the ‘Classic’ label performed (92%) on the ‘Would you purchase this wine?’ question, while only 58% of respondents said they would purchase the ‘Modern & Colorful’ label. Turns out the loud and colorful labels designed to turn heads are being outperformed by classic & elegant labels that consumers know (& seem to love). Take a look below at an infographic highlighting the rest of the discoveries from this wine label design study. Enjoy!
About the Author: Shane LaChance is a designer with Iron Design based in New York. He can be contacted at shane@irondesign.com